By becoming a member you are directly involved with the continuation of keeping the history and well-being of the St. Vital Museum alive for future generations!

Benefits of becoming a member of the St. Vital Museum:

  • Updates on museum activities through our complimentary newsletter
  • A digital edition of the St. Vital Historian which is published quarterly
  • Invitations to exhibit openings and special events
  • Opportunity to vote at the Annual General Meeting held each November

Levels of Membership


$20.00 a year

Family (one household):

$30.00 a year

Business membership:

$75.00 a year and includes a listing

If you wish to become a member of the St. Vital Museum, please contact us by email at after filling out the membership form above, by phone (204) 255-2864, or by mail:

St. Vital Museum
600 St. Mary’s Road
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3L5